Acacia Rose
I am a Heart Philosopher.
I practice and teach this Heart Philosophy as a Life, Career and Relationship Coach, Reiki Master, Intuitive Educator, Meditation and Mindfulness Trainer, Artist and Writer.
I am deeply passionate about engaging our Hearts, Mind, Body and Spirit to consciously create a more heartfelt way of living and participating with the world.
For over eleven years of private practice, I have been supporting people to access their Hearts to hear, feel and understand their inner wisdom and innate body knowledge for professional and self development needs.
I specialise in a Heart Coaching. A Heart Centred approach is the best way I know, to ensure all guidance, recommendations and mindfulness strategies are aligned with (and will therefore be most relevant and work successfully) your Heart, Mind, Body and Spirit. I support you to find what works best for you with a range of practical and philosophical tools, life coaching, mindfulness exercises and energetic techniques. This modality style incorporates my intuitive abilities, understanding of kinesiology and training as a Reiki Master to help clear and release unwanted and limiting energy and beliefs, and energetically rebalance you to your chosen feelings, goals and wellness outcomes.
I love supporting people to:
grow love
- grow greater self love
- heal family relationships
- attract a loving life partner
- establish healthier friendships
develop your career
- develop career and business opportunities
- grow your start up business
- manage and bring out the best in staff
- navigate challenging business situations
- create better work/life balance
- stress management and reduction
train your mind
- mindfulness
- meditation training
- anxiety management
- releasing fear and overcoming limiting mental thoughts
create a family
- medical intuition
- fertility and wellness care
- clearing out past conception, terminations, miscarriages and loss
- preparing for a conscious conception and the arrival of your Heart Baby with the Welcome Baby Program at Heart Light Rising
- baby whispering
- baby and child health, intuitive development and support
- Teenager support to navigate: school, friendships, study habits, family dynamics, family separation or divorce, drugs /alcohol and peer pressure
- meditation, mindfulness, stress management and intuitive training for school age children to young adults
My goal is to support people to live in greater peace, health and happiness with themselves, their loved ones and Mother Earth.
My Professional Training
This unique Heart Centred Coaching Modality is based on over 20 years of personal and professional self development, study, training and mentoring.
Becoming a Conscious Creator
In the early 2000s I completed a B.A at The University of Melbourne, majoring in Cinema Studies and Politics, and a B.A. ( New Media Arts) at R.M.I.T in fine art photography, video and installation. These courses taught me to be an independent thinker and enquirer about life. In particular, studying anthropology at Melbourne University, I was amazed to learn that many cultures have “traditional” behavioural patterns that are actually context dependant and constructed. This was a light bulb moment for me. If cultural traditions such as gender, sexuality and even some of what we call evolutionary psychology has actually be culturally constructed; then why can’t we utilise this ability that human beings are constant creators of our worlds, to become more conscious creators of the stories we enact?
With the idea that I can consciously construct myself and a desire to learn how, I discovered Kinesiology in my early twenties. Wow. Here was the start of my answer to How.
+ Kinesiology & Reiki
I was blessed to work closely with two kinesiology mentors, and for the next 6 plus years I participated as a client in regular (weekly to fortnightly) session work, studied and learnt all I could about kinesiology; the principals, framework, modality, how to identify, clear and balance energy. The regular session work, self study and practise outside of session times helped me to consciously refine my intuition and my personal study developed into the start of a heart centred healing and transformative framework. I also explored many other energy healing techniques and modalities as a client, such as counselling, transformational counselling, psychology, Healing through Touch, NLP and in my mid- twenties explored and studied Reiki. I instantly loved Reiki and found it helped enhance my natural intuitive gifts, and complemented the healing and transformational framework I was developing.
+ Life Coaching
I began my business to support people as I had been so generously supported. In launching my business through NEIS, I received a Business Mentor who specialised as a life and motivational coach. Over the next four years I trained and support facilitated regular workshop and courses to help people action change and transformation from a life coaching point of view.
+ Intuition
I am able to See, Feel and Hear peoples’ Hearts and Energy/Chi/Auras. As a child, it was natural to explore life from an intuitive point of view. As adults we tend to call this living with our “Gut Feeling” or having a “knowing”. This is actually Intuition. All Intuitive messages and guidance originate and flow from the Heart centre. By accessing and utilising our natural sixth sense to Feel, See and Hear and Know (Clairvoyance, Clairsentience, Claircogniscence, and Clairaudience), we can gain greater inner clarity, peace and understanding to make wise life choices.
= Heart Coaching
Everyone has Intuition. Our ability to access, listen and comprehend Intuition, depends on how much each person wants to live Heartfully, to live from the Heart. Your Heart operates as your Intuitive Speaker System. If you can’t feel your heart, then your intuitive gifts will lack wisdom and clarity. In fact, a person’s desire to live according to their Heart’s direction, actually dictates how much you may grow your Intuitive abilities. This means, that the more you can calm the mind, evolve the Ego and really feel your Heart; the greater your Intuition can flourish and bring you all the sweetness of life! With an open Heart and clear flowing harmonious energy, you can co-create and grow the life you want. This is what life is all about!
My fine art and writing practice
I continue to develop and hone my art and writing practice, now from an absolutely Heart focussed perspective. I want to create art that not only thrills and fulfils me, but is also an artistic product that creates greater consciousness, love and light in the world. I call this Heart Art; art inspired and directed by the Heart ( as opposed to The Egoic Mind). This is creative consciousness with a direct purpose and intention of creating evolution, health and heart, both for the artist/maker and for the world at large.
I greatly enjoy supporting emerging and professional artists to explore creating form the Heart and bringing the Heart perspective into their art practice.
Creating Heart Life and Love Coaching
I see making art, making a business, making a relationship and making a family as one and the same energetically; they are all acts of Creativity, and require the same types of energy, flow and manifestation to take form. Every act of creativity, is an opportunity to co-create with The Universe and create more love for yourself, your family, community and the world. If the inspiration that sparks the growth is truly from the Heart, then all love, light and happiness shall flow to this creation and life force, health and abundance shall flourish.
Sometimes on that journey, we need a little Heart philosophy, life, career and relationship coaching, energy balancing and mindfulness techniques. It helps to regularly check in with our Heart to ensure we are navigating true north and advancing towards our desired goals.
It is my passion to help you hear your Heart, stay positive, happy, healthy and focussed on your path and completing your goals. You need the best you, in order to create your best life.
My aim is to grow a more loving world; through supporting individuals, families and companies to feel, think, act and conduct themselves with greater mindfulness, peace, health and happiness.
Together we can create a more Heartful World!